Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis

After watching Katie Davis being interviewed by David Platt I was totally inspired and intrigued by this girl, just a few years older than me, who was serving in Uganda and being a mother to thirteen adopted girls. I was very excited to find out she had written a book about the experiences she had after saying "yes" to God. A few days later I received an email telling me that I had, in fact, won a copy of the book from a blog that I had randomly found after searching for a "Kisses from Katie book giveaway!" I got the book Friday afternoon and I finished it Saturday afternoon. Let me warn you: this book could change you life.

"Jesus wrecked my life. For as long as I could remember, I had everything this world says is important. In high school, I was class president, homecoming queen, top of my class. I dated cute boys and wore cute shoes and drove a cute sports car. I had wonderful, supportive parents who so desired my success that they would have paid for me to go to college anywhere my heart desired. But I loved Jesus.
Slowly but surely I began to realize the truth: I had loved and admired and worshiped Jesus without doing what He said . . . I wanted to actually do what Jesus said to do.

So I quit my life.

I quit college; I quit cute designer clothes and my little yellow convertible; I quit my boyfriend. I no longer have all the things the world says are important. I do not have a retirement fund; I do not even have electricity some days. But I have everything I know is important. I have a joy and a peace that are unimaginable and can come only from a place better than this earth. I cannot fathom being happier. Jesus wrecked my life, shattered it to pieces, and put it back together more beautifully."

This book shares the stories, the trials and successes, of Katie's journey as she follows God's call. From the very first day of teaching Kindergarten, to hearing little Scovia ask "Can I call you Mommy?, to the agonizing semester back home in America, torn between two lives, to the heartbreaking story of Jane, and the stories of all the people Katie held, fed, bathed, prayed over, nursed back to health, and loved. This is a book about faith and purpose.

"Lord, may we choose you every moment of every day. We want to be fully committed to You. We want every day to become a day we say "yes" to You. We repent for luke-warmness, from mediocrity, from normalcy. We want to shine so brightly for You that others can't help but see and feel your love. Let us look at every encounter as an opportunity to show your love."

I can't recommend Kisses from Katie enough. I can guarantee that this powerful book will challenge, inspire and bless you. After finishing this book you will be left wondering "How can I do what Katie did?" Imagine what could happen around the world if every Christian was willing to serve God with the same passion and love as Katie Davis.

"I do not not have to change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person. If one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for."

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker

Book Description: Two abandoned souls are on the hunt for one powerful man. Soon, their paths will cross and lead to one twisted fate.

Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America with hopes of escaping haunted memories of a tragic war that took his mother's life. Now he's a priest who lives by a law of love and compassion. It is powerful men and hypocrites who abide by legal law but eschew the law of love that most incense Danny. As an avenging angel, he believes it is his duty to show them the error of their ways, at any cost.

Renee Gilmore is the frail and helpless victim of one such powerful man. Having escaped his clutches, she now lives only to satisfy justice by destroying him, regardless of whom she must become in that pursuit.

But when Danny and Renee's paths become inexorably entangled things go very, very badly and neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

Judge not, or you too will be judged.

My Thoughts: Every time I finish a book by Ted Dekker I shake my head and say "wow." And that's pretty much all I can say after the crazy ride I just went on. The Priest's Graveyard is intense and thrilling and challenging. It messes with your mind and you're not sure what's right and what's wrong. How far would you go, rather, how far should you go, to stop someone from hurting someone else? In the story, Danny believes it's his job to go as far as killing someone to save the people that person is hurting. And the crazy thing is, I felt myself cheering Danny on and agreeing with his reasoning. That really shocked me! I was siding myself with the "bad guy!" The Priests Graveyard also explores themes of judging others and revenge. But ultimately, this story is about love and grace. This book is dark. But just like Dekker's other books it's in the darkest moments that the light comes through the brightest. Amazing how that works, huh? I've fallen in love with these characters and am looking forward to seeing them again. Ted did an amazing job at writing in first person female. It pulled me in and I felt like I was Renee. This book is a thrilling story. It'll take your breath away. And make you cry. And laugh. It will change the way you think about people. This is definitely one of Ted's best.